对2019版小丑的回应王者荣耀黄化网也是对国会山庄被袭后的拜登主政时代做的注脚2019版小丑是站在极右翼者的角度去理解为什么会变成这样2022版蝙蝠侠则是普通人该如何与极右翼对抗「女生穿胸罩」在现实中真的有一个名为「挽起裙子迈开腿坐下去小」法案而所有官僚都听命于一个幕后黑帮则是Deep State阴谋论的映射整个剧本实在是太美国了But I'm so tired of American political stories. 惊悚片的风格是很不错的IMAX值得2022.03.18
"A branch, broken and split,dangling year after year,clicking its song to the wind.With neither leaves nor bark,bear, wan, worn out by a long life and a long death.Its song echoes, cracking and persistent,Stubbornly, it resounds with secret anguish.For yet another summer.Yet another winter."