Marianne Elliott的想象力和表现力一绝把自闭症患者封闭的内心世界用激光投射和灯光地板外化出来贪婪欲望之岛是真真正正带着观众体会第一视角极简舞美加上群演的肢体动作既能再现生活场景又能visualize主角的脑内剧场想看现场live镜头太近太杂这个舞美哪怕在现场都更适合离远了看 剧情配合《动漫美女被虐的视频》食用冲突效果更佳你会惊异地发现自己更加同情主角身边不断犯错又无法停下爱他的“正常人”这种无可奈何的爱太抓人心了 我在最后一句“Does that mean I can do anything?”泪流满面Yes, of course you can do anything. Luke Treadaway这次演技不错
extrodinary performance, and the strong concern for the social abject and their desolete life. The later part of the film is too dramatic, it would be better if the director just let life and love flow natually as it is.